500+ CSG Licensees...We advertised in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine and other periodicals... and people came from every corner of the US and Canada... from all walks of life, to learn the secrets of our trade. A housewife, an insurance agent, a teacher, a policeman, a stockbroker, a banker, a salesperson - were working side-by-side and having Fun learning the art of carpet design & sculpture at our workshops. Some of them wanted just a part-time business, others were tired of their boring jobs and low pay and others needed a full-time job because they were already laid off, or afraid to get the ax shortly. As you know, many white and blue collar jobs are lost every year due to downsizing, mergers and cost-cutting by large, medium and even small companies. In order to stay competitive... or make more profits for their shareholders... businesses are tightening their belts, laying off even long-time employees, and forcing the remaining employees to do the work of 2 or sometimes even 3 others. Just look at Kodak, IBM, Boeing and dozens of other companies... they have laid off tens of thousands in the last ten years! Who do you think has the bigger problem, the people who have been laid off, or the employees left who are faced with an overwhelming work load that makes their lives miserable? I am convinced that most of these people -- the unemployed and the overworked employees -- are looking for a way out of the rat race... Even the US Armed Forces are not immune to cutting costs. Many bases around the country have been closed and people laid off to save money. We've trained quite a few enlisted men and women, lieutenants, majors, the wife of a Lieutenant Colonel... Most of them took a week's leave to become CSG Licensees, and even a retired 2-Star General attended one of our workshops to learn this Fun business. It doesn't come as a surprise that almost 8,000 People A Day Migrate
From From the time we opened our doors at CSG, a total of Almost 600 People From The US & Canada Signed-Up To Learn Our Proprietary CSG System™ ... And Started Their Own, Exciting Home-Based Business Creating One-Of-A-Kind Carpet Sculptures For Fun And Profits! Why have so many people chosen to enter our unique, home-based Carpet Sculpture Business? |
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